Monday, February 25, 2008


People have always told me that I have a few quirks. Probably the strongest quirk is to pick up music lyrics after hearing the song once. Yes, I said once. I'm not guaranteeing that I'll remember the lyrics all of the time, but about 95%. This trick generally allows people to tell me I'm like "iTunes on crack."

Another quirk is that I seem to have a soundtrack for my life. There are certain songs on my playlist that completely express who I am. Five songs constantly remain in my playlist, and there are many others that rotate in and out. I just have a deep love for creative, honest, genuine music. I think that sometimes songs can explain my heart better than I can. There are also many times when a song transports me back to a past era in my life, and evokes feelings that make me remember all of the things that have molded me to be who I am now. You know you remember those songs. If a certain song comes on in the car, the music triggers past emotions of where you were when that song was popular.

A third quirk is that I love spreading my passion for new music to people who may never hear specific artists. It is a huge goal in life to expand other's musical horizons. I'm generally good at offering many options, which is what I hope to do here.

Some songs give peace, some make you think, some make you laugh, and some make you cry. I hope that the music you hear in the soundtrack of my life resonates something much deeper than anything I could provide.

So take and enjoy! I'll always link to iTunes or appropriate websites to make sure that you can get the music you like. Please give me feedback to let me know what you latch onto!

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