Monday, June 30, 2008


I apologize for the lack of blogging! In the process of a cross-country move and adjustment to a new city, I have neglected this blog. Instead of updating on Fridays with new music, I've decided to take the traditional music industry route and debut my pics on Tuesdays. Not this Tuesday, of course, but I'll start a week from tomorrow.

In the meantime, I have to say how much I love my friends who provide me with new music to absorb. In an age where it's very easy to exchange ideas and creativity, I appreciate those who bottle it up and say "hey- you might like this." I get it a lot, but I have one friend who makes a bi-monthly concerted effort to bring his friends a sampler. Friends, Dane has created Daneslist.

The beauty of this is two-fold. First, he and I usually have very similar tastes in music. I love everything he suggests Second, you get to benefit from all the music I hear! Hold on folks, it's gonna be fun!

1 comment:

Kacy said...

Amy!! Its your fellow alto Kacy Schmidt!! It's good to see your cute little face....i got to your blog from miriams which i got to from a link from tasha calvert. catch all that? anyhow check out mine I like your music theme, you know i like music. my theme is....random... stuff. anyhow just wanted to say hello to my old friend!! oops, not that were old, cause were not!!